Zoë Knights: "Drama Queen"

A Drama Queen is a person who creates drama from the most insignificant events; someone who exaggerates the importance of small details. Drama Queen - the attempt to immerse oneself in the drama of becoming variations of the queen, the drama, the drama queen. Drama Queen is a solo performance that seeks to deepen the connection between body light and sound. In its captivating final scene it aims at a quasi-filmic experience within the theatrical context.


Concept/Performance: Zoë Knights
Light design: Florian Bach
Music: Boris Hauf
Costume: Germana Tack
Coaching: Jeremy Xido, Claudia Heu, Ewa Bankowska
Vocal coaching: Mirka Wagner, Julia Pujol
Artistic Advisor. Martin Nachbar

Performances to Date

4 March 2010, Imagetanz brut Vienna Austria
February 2010 Szene Salzburg(Republic Austria
February 2010 BUDA Kortrijk Belgium
1 & 2 October 2010 Perfect Wedding Festival, Ufer Studios Berlin Germany
28 & 29 October 2010 Tanzhouse Festval, ARGE Salzburg Austria

Duration: 50 minutes

Co-Production: brut Wien
Supported by: BMUKK, Land Salzburg Kultur, Stadt Salzburg Kultur
Supported in the frame of a residency by: Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Kunstencentrum Buda Kortrijk, Szene Salzburg and Ausdance QLD


Trailer: http://vimeo.com/24919791